1 |
Dr. Sahana Parveen |
Chief Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01521334569 |
sahana66@gmail.com |
2 |
Sujit Kumar Bonik |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৫৫২৩১৭২৪৭ |
sujitbcsir@gmail.com |
3 |
Dr. Mohammad Shah Jamal |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৫৩৪৬৭০৫৬৭ |
msjdubd@gmail.com |
4 |
Mashudur Rahaman |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৮১৯৯০০৮৩৩ |
mashudurbd@gmail.com |
5 |
Dr. Md. Saiful Islam |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৮১৬৪৭৭১৬১ |
saifulifrd@gmail.com |
6 |
Muhammad Shahriar Bashar |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৫৫২৩৩২৫৮৮ |
bashar@agni.com |
7 |
Mosharof Hossain |
Principal Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৭৪১৫১১৩৭৬ |
mhossain28@yahoo.com |
8 |
Dr. Samia Tabassum |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৭১৬১২৯৩৭০ |
shawon14@gmail.com |
9 |
Dr. Toufiq Ahmed |
Senior Engineer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
+8801741466796 |
toufiq36@gmail.com |
10 |
Taposi Rabeya |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01673988896 |
taposhirabeya@gmail.com |
11 |
Md. Saidul Islam |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01716211197 |
saidul.bcsir@gmail.com |
12 |
Dr. Afrina Sharmin |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৭৩১৫০৮৯১৬ |
afrina.sharmin@gmail.com |
Download File |
13 |
Mohammad Asadullah Asad (Study leave) |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৮১৮০২৬৪৪৫ |
asadac57@gmail.com |
14 |
Md. Azizul Hoque |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৭৩৭৩৬১৬০৬ |
azizphy0043bcsir@gmail.com |
15 |
Abu Kowsar |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01722281618 |
apukowsar@gmail.com |
Download File |
16 |
Sumon Chandra Debnath |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৬৭১০৪৪৯১১ |
sumondebnath.bcsir@gmail.com |
17 |
Munira Sultana |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৬৭০৯৭২০৫৪ |
muniraeva37@gmail.com |
18 |
Md.Sadequl Azam |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01925732496 |
sadeq521812@gmail.com |
19 |
Trissa Saha |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01991-716823 |
trissa.saha@gmail.com |
20 |
Nasim Ahmed |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01787403485 |
nasimaccedu143@gmail.com |
21 |
Mahedi Hassan |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
01677792615 |
mhdieee14@gmail.com |
22 |
Jasim Uddin |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Fuel Research and Development |
01751279432 |
jasimchembru@gmail.com |
23 |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৭৯৯৪৮১১৪ |
rashedalam93rd@gmail.com |
24 |
Shahran Ahmed Joy |
Scientific Officer |
Institute of Energy Research and Development |
০১৫২১৩২৭৬১১ |
joy1153039@gmail.com |